Gambling addiction can affect any part of a person’s life, from social interaction to physical health. As an impulse-control disorder, gambling is extremely harmful to the physical and psychological health of a person. In some cases, gambling-related issues can be so severe that a person may even attempt suicide. Other symptoms of gambling addiction include:
While gambling is a fun and entertaining activity, it can also turn into a dangerous habit. An individual who is addicted to gambling can damage relationships, their career, and other aspects of their life. Problem gamblers may even steal money to finance their addiction. The financial and emotional consequences of such a habit can be life-changing, but it is important to realize that it is never a healthy behavior. Fortunately, there is help for people who suffer from this condition.
The good news is that there are resources available to help you get back on track with gambling. Mental health professionals have developed criteria to help diagnose problem gambling. Many use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria, published by the American Psychiatric Association. By categorizing gambling as a mental health issue, a person can be less resistant to treatment and lifestyle inquiry. This approach may also prevent gambling from progressing to a disorder of its own.
As with any addiction, the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Admitting to yourself that you have a problem is difficult, and often results in losing money and strained relationships. However, it is important not to feel alone in this battle; many people have been in your shoes. You can find support in peer support groups such as Gamblers Anonymous. You may want to consider becoming a sponsor, or even finding a fellow gambler to help you.
Ultimately, the first step in recovery from gambling is making the decision to stop. When an urge to gamble strikes, resist the urge. If possible, schedule recreational time and try to distract yourself with other activities. Try to avoid the gambling environment, such as places with a high temptation level. If you do have the luxury of time, limit yourself to only a small amount of cash. Then, you can try practicing relaxation techniques or avoiding temptations by getting help from family and friends.
The results of the study were influenced by collinearity between the variables used in the analysis. A small number of outliers skew the results of the regressions. Further, a large number of people were included in the study, which made it easier to compare finer renderings of gambling behavior. In particular, regular participation with gambling was associated with PG more than past-year participation with a larger sample. The authors suggest incorporating these two measures into future studies.
While gambling is considered a form of gambling, there are many forms of it that are completely legal. In the United States alone, gambling is a multibillion-dollar industry. It has become increasingly popular in Canada and the general population prefers to use these funds for important initiatives. Gambling in Canada is not limited to casinos and sports betting. You can also play scratchcards and wager your money on an event. In each case, odds are usually not immediately apparent, but they can help you make money.